Saturday, April 12, 2008

5 miles 45 minutes

I've been busy the last few days getting the house cleaned up and ready to put on the market to sell. It's time to find a cheaper house I can buy more running shoes. It looked like it was about to rain and I knew I didn't have much time so I laced up and went running. My goal was 5 miles in 45 minutes, 9 minute pace isn't crazy fast but it would be a new pr for me.

About a mile into my run the bottom dropped out of the sky. I'm not talking sprinkling I'm talking RAIN. I decided I'd just run in the rain and unless it started lightning I would just get wet. I was literally at the furthest point from home and the lightning started and so I picked up my pace to head home. I was assuming it'd be a 5k run and not a 5 mile run. I started to get worried about the lightning. I counted the time from the lightning to the thunder and it was getting closer together quickly.

Then the rain let up a little and the thunder stopped. So I ran on. I knew I would be close to my goal but wasn't quite sure I would make it. I even had to stop and tie my shoe twice.

Soaked and receiving several "is that man insane" glances I made it.

I'll be looking at the results of the london marathon tomorrow when I get up to see how Ryan Hall did. I'm actually hoping to catch the finish online; if I did my math right it should work out.

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