Monday, March 24, 2008

5 miles 47m04s

This week is my cut back week. It's something I'm supposed to do every 4 weeks but end up doing it about every 8 weeks. This time I'm being obedient to the schedule and tapering. I'll do three 5 mile runs this week.

50 degrees and windy. 50 degrees should feel great but man the winds SUCKS! I know I should whine but runs with wind can have points of misery but mostly running is pleasant. I noticed that I didn't have that nagging pain(s) that I get while on the treadmill. I guess I don't get bored out on the road like I do trapped in the gym. Sounds like I need to get outside a little more.

I wanted to run the 5 in a pace better than 10 m/mile. 10 is my default pace and it's easy to let my legs get locked into that pace. I figured if I'm tapering and can't get the mileage I was getting before I can at least be smart about my runs. I made sure to vary my pace getting faster with each mile. 9m25s m/mile.

Good run today looking forward to Wednesday.

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