Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Intervals 5x800's

I saw the weather was going to be another scorcher again today so I opted to hit the treadmill at the gym. Can you beat it, controlled speed, heart rate available in just a few seconds, water on the spot and most importantly climate control. The treadmill has it's place, and for me that's on hot and humid days.

Warm up: .5 mile- 5:00
Interval: .5 mile- 3:29
Recovery: .25 mi- 2:22
Interval: .5 mi- 3:29
Recovery: .25 mi- 2:22
Interval: .5 mi- 3:20
Recovery: .25 mi- 2:22
Interval: .5 mi- 3:20
Recovery: .25 mi- 2:22
Interval: .55 mi- 3:30
Recovery: 1 mi- 9:19

5.05 miles in 40:55 for a 8:07 m/mile pace.

I'm ready for Tuesday.

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