Tuesday, June 17, 2008

6 miles in 54:45

Today was a run like I feel day. Turned out to be 6 miles at an easy pace. Weird thing was that easy was at a 9:08 m/mile pace, which used to be my tempo run pace. It stormed here last night and really cleaned up the air. The temperature was about 70 when I was running and the smoke from the wildfires made the sunrise pretty today. Nothing amazing but nothing to shake a stick at either. How arrogant am I that I rate sunrises?

No fox sightings today which I was disappointed about but I did see a ton of baby rabbits. I guess the rabbits are happy I didn't see a fox or they might have been breakfast. I also saw a lady walking her dog talking to herself, I guy walking a dog while wearing a parka and a guy walking in sandals. He was really nice and waved each time I passed him but I wanted to ask him why he didn't pick slightly more comfortable shoes. He had the headphones, the athletic apparel but was wearing sandals.

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